READ: Acts 22:3 I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but
brought up in this city. I studied under Gamaliel and was thoroughly trained in
the law of our ancestors. I was just as zealous for God as any of you are
1:14 I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and
was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers.
We know that different religions in the world have different
rituals and rules. Rituals are both to highlight the solemn ritual and mystery,
while also indirectly telling people to believe that the gap between them
and the object of worship requires an intermediary to pass information to each
other. Rules have the effect of regulation, to cultivate people's hobbies and
desires, meet people self-righteousness and pride in fleshly emotions. There
are two kinds of people in the world who believe in religion. One kind has a
negligent way of life: they will not be bothered to investigate the truth and
simply follow the religion of their fathers, believing out of carelessness and
ignorance. The other kind gets to the bottom to explore! They are willing to get rid of their pride
and greed to find the true God. However those who love to establish their own
righteousness and continue to be self-centered, become superstitious on a
secular religion. In the secular religion, human selfishness and desire are not
only worldly, but also open, and you can use money to bribe all the world's
darkness! Believing in God is not the case. You become holy and righteous, and
love neighbours as ourselves!
Two thousand years ago, a Pharisee named Saul, practicing
Judaism at Gamaliel, was under the strict Jewish traditions, trying to please
God through his own actions! Do not underestimate these Pharisees, they are a
group who maintain the purity and tries to keep people away from the secular
world. They despise those who seek fame or status. So when the Jews and the
Romans rejected the Lord Jesus Christ and Jesus was crucified, they not only
refused to believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but persecuted
Christians. Saul was one of the most ardent believers, "I persecuted the
followers of this Way to their death, arresting both men and women and throwing
them into prison," (Acts 22: 4). Praise God, His gifts and calling are irrevocable.
Though Saul (Hebrew name) persecuted believers when he did not know God, when
the Lord Jesus appeared to him personally, he repented and turned to God, and
no longer believes in himself, no longer trying to establish his own
righteousness, but as one might gain righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!
After Saul believed in Jesus Christ, he was renamed Paul (Greek name), from
being an apostle of the gentiles to helping people believe in Jesus Christ. You
do not need to seek any special virtue. Just believe that Jesus Christ is the
Son of God who come, died, resurrected, ascended, and will come back for us. It
will eliminate all our toil and hardship on the ground!

We know that Jesus Christ has been spread on the Earth for
nearly two years, praise God, many peoples and tribes have faith in Jesus
Christ and call on His name. But there are still many other religions in the world.
People are still keen to establish their own righteousness, and do not believe
that faith is all we need to have the righteousness of God! They clearly know
the cultural system of this world, the purpose is to use people's psychological
pride and ignorance, creating distance between people and God, but they are willing
to be deceived, because they think they can grasp and control things. Put
plainly, they are not willing to make themselves truly face God's revelation
and lead!
Christianity is special in that between God and the people,
there does not need the so-called clergyman class. Every believer is a royal
priesthood, because of Jesus Christ's complete salvation. Therefore, every
believer directly comes to God seeking grace and help because of Christ! Of
course, we are also different from religion and the world. If you are a
believer, you cannot continue to enjoy the pleasures of sin. Thieves can no
longer steal, haters must repent and be filled with the love of Jesus Christ himself,
and sincerely love! Because we are sojourners, we should not covet possessions,
"Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many
foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For
the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money,
have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs"(1
Timothy 6:9-10)
If a person puts down greed and pride, they can get
inspiration and guidance of God! Whenever we do not want to leave the darkness
of the prison, not willing to give up something that we should not hold, we cannot
see the true light! When the Lord Jesus shined His light through Saul, he has
changed. No more pride, and no longer attempting to establish his own
righteousness, thus becoming the gentile's apostle, Paul! He helped the world's
millions of people receive the gospel of Jesus Christ, bringing them out from
the power of darkness and death of suffering!
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